Financing made easy

  • Get financing results without impacting your credit
  • Do you have a particular financial situation that requires a unique treatment?
  • No worries !

Get pre-approved today
No matter your credit

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Our team of financing experts work with the largest number of banks, which means we can get you approved, regardless of your situation.

Rebuild your credit

We will work together to help you improve your credit, which will ensure that you can reduce your payments in the long term. This is a real opportunity to restore your credit!

Choose from the largest inventory

Once approved for the amount you need, you can make your selection from all our makes and models in stock, and leave with the vehicle that suits your tastes and budget. Since HGreg has the largest network in the state, you will be spoiled for choice.

Secure application

Confidential and secure application guaranteed.

Free evaluation

Benefit from a complete and free evaluation. No obligation.

Quick response

Your request will be processed quickly by one of our credit specialists. Start now.